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Tomatoes, The Rich Fruit Nutrition and Benefits for the Body

Posted by rifkihakim88 Friday 23 November 2012 0 comments

Who is not familiar with the tomatoes? Tomato is a fruit that can be harvested at any time so easily found anywhere and anytime.

Tomato (Lycopercisum esculentum) initially found the first time around Peru, Ecuador and Bolivia, which then quickly spread to all corners of the world. In fact, the French called Pomme D'amour or love apple, which is believed to be able to recover impotence and increase sperm count for men.

Tomato fruit consists of several varieties. There is a tomato fruit large size and medium, tomatoes, and cherry tomatoes (size of a marble). large size tomatoes can be used as juice, while the medium or small can be used as a vegetable. If in Indonesia commonly used as a condiment. Woww It feels very good, with a very economical, cheap and affordable and easily available in the markets or supermarkets.

Whatever the variety, a tomato was rich in vitamin A, C, minerals and phytonutrients. Based on the list of Food Composition of the Ministry of Health in 2000, the content of nutrients in tomatoes (in 100 grams) is as follows:
- Calories: 20 kcal

- Protein: 1.0 grams
- Fat: 0.3 grams
- Carbohydrates: 4.2 grams
- Calcium: 5 milligrams
- Vitamin A: 1,500 SI Unit (Indonesia)
- Vitamin C: 40 milligrams

Tomato pigment, the red, contains lycopene, an antioxidant substance that can destroy free radicals in the body caused by smoking, pollution and ultraviolet light. In addition, the lycopene is known to prevent cell damage that can lead to cervical cancer, prostate, stomach and pancreas.

For people who was having fever, tomatoes have antipyretics properties that can reduce fever, while the fiber can overcome digestive disorders such as constipation and hemorrhoids.

For women who want to look beautiful, eating tomatoes is highly recommended, as it can cure acne, remove impurities on the skin, reduces excess fat in the skin and has a role in the formation of collagen. Not surprisingly, the world of beauty tomatoes are often used as a base for mask and anti-aging pills.

Tomatoes than can be consumed as a vegetable and a drink (juice), it can also be used as a mask. For those who have acne problems not need to worry, because with the help of tomatoes acne problem will be solved. How it work?

First, squeeze the tomatoes are dark red. Second, apply the squeezed or tomato slices on the location of acne and allow a few moments. Third, wash with clean water. Do this every day in the morning and evening for one week, then the face will become smoother.

In addition, it contains carotene and vitamin C in tomatoes that act as antioxidants, while its citric acid to remove dirt and grease on the face with acne. Good luck.

The Benefits of Drinking Water That You Need to Know

Posted by rifkihakim88 Friday 16 November 2012 2 comments

Drinking Water

There are still many people who ignore the benefits of drinking water. In fact, the benefits are many. From prevents you feel thirsty, stimulate metabolism, making you feel full longer (thus preventing you from eating too much), making the skin smoother because of the availability of fluids in the body, and prevent loss of concentration.

In addition, there are many benefits of drinking water that was not known to us. To be sure, the benefits will be directly felt in your daily life. Once informed, you certainly will not delay water consumed each time.

1. Protect the heart. People who used to drink water more than five cups a day, likely to die from heart attacks dropped 41 percent compared to those who drank less than two glasses of water a day, according to a six-year study published in the American Journal of Epidemiology. In addition, the habit of drinking water in the amount of at least five glasses a day will also reduce the risk of cancer. The body that is not hydrated may reduce the risk of colon cancer by 45 percent, bladder cancer by 50 percent, and may also reduce the risk of breast cancer. 

2. Prevent headaches. Who can stand when migraines start attacking? But before you take pain medication, try to cope with drinking water. According to researchers from the University of Masstricht, Netherlands, drank seven glasses of water a day can relieve headaches, and improve the quality of life of those who have been suffering from migraines. In trials, those who drank 1.5 liters of water is reduced headache 21 hours, as well as the intensity of the pain.

3. Improve sharpness of the brain. According to the study, the rate of dehydration of one percent of the weight you've been able to reduce the functions of thinking. The brain does require a lot of oxygen in order to function at optimum levels. By drinking lots of water, you can be sure that the brain needs have been met. In fact, drink 8-10 cups of water a day can improve cognitive performance levels as much as 30 percent. 

4. Keeps you alert. Dehydration is a major cause of fatigue that occurs throughout the day. If the fatigue that you feel more like a strong urge to take a nap, try drinking a glass of water. Drinking enough water will make your work better, at least it can prevent you feeling difficult to concentrate. All you need to know, the level of two percent dehydration can lead to short-term memory problems. You will also have trouble focusing on what you're reading on a computer screen. 

Hepatitis B and Pregnancy

Posted by rifkihakim88 Thursday 15 November 2012 0 comments

Hepatitis B is a disease of inflammation of the liver caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV), in society, the disease is better known as liver disease. A person with acute hepatitis B virus infection has symptoms like loss of appetite, body feels weak, heartburn, nausea, vomiting, fever, urinary looks like a concentrated tea water and the eyes look yellow. Definitive diagnosis of patients suffering from hepatitis B if found positive HBsAg in the blood examination. Most of these diseases infectious through sexual contact, drug users who use contaminated needles, tattoos, and a blood transfusion. The incubation period of the virus starting exposure to cause symptoms ranging from 6 weeks to 6 months. If allowed to continue, it will take chronic disease and circumstances arise in which the liver cells will undergo hardening is called liver cirrhosis. Even on those frequent the cause of hepatitis B liver cancer. In both circumstances the patient's life expectancy would be very low.

In patients with hepatitis B, pregnancy will not aggravate hepatitis virus infection, but if there is an acute infection in pregnancy, particularly the third trimester (last) pregnancy, it can result in fulminant hepatitis that can lead to a high risk of death for both mother and baby.

The mother who suffered from chronic hepatitis B can still contain a prospective baby. But the most important is the hepatitis B virus titer controlled. Transmission of the virus from mother to baby can indeed happen. Transmission usually occurs through the placenta, blood and dirt contamination with the mother when labor, capital and direct contact with the baby after birth. For that consciousness in the womb to the doctor and check their knowledge is extremely important for pregnant women with this disease.


1. Screening pregnant women, screening of HBsAg in pregnant women carried out especially in areas where there is a high prevalence. Screening results will determine the next action for the mother as antiviral drug by a doctor if deemed necessary.

2. Immunization, transmission of hepatitis B from mother to the baby it turns out most can prevented by immunization. HB vaccination in babies given on days 0, age 1, and 6 months. 

Determining the type of labor will be determined by your doctor. In women with low viral titers, can give birth normally on the condition labor should not be left longer that is more than 16 hours. If labor lasts longer than the time it should be carried out Caesarean section. Similarly, in women with high titers (greater than 3.5 pg / mol), better labor carried out by surgery.

Breastfeeding is considered safe because numerous studies have shown that transmission through the digestive tract requires viral titers significantly higher than transmission through blood and wounds.  

A Cup of Coffee Protect You From Diabetes

Posted by rifkihakim88 Tuesday 13 November 2012 0 comments

You are a coffee addicts may be relieved: not as many people think, drink coffee every day does not cause heart disease or cancer. In fact, it can reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes!

That's one conclusion from the results of a long-term study called EPIC (European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition). One of the world's largest prospective study that examined the relationship between diet and cancer and other chronic diseases such as type 2 diabetes. EPIC involving scientists from ten European countries who analyzed the data diet, lifestyle and medical conditions of more than 500,000 men and women. For this prospective study, the participants were selected who did not suffer from chronic diseases at baseline so that the risk factors for the disease can be identified before the disease arises. During the follow-up period of an average of nearly nine years, a total of 1432 subjects with type 2 diabetes, 394 had a heart attack, 310 suffered a stroke and 1801 with cancer. People who drank more than four cups (about 600 ml) of caffeinated coffee per day had a 23 percent lower risk of developing type 2 diabetes compared with those who consumed an average of less than one cup. A similar relationship was shown for consumption of decaffeinated coffee. The results of the research led by Heiner Boeing and Anne Flogel of the nutritional epidemiology Institute of Nutrition Potsdam-Rehbruecke in Germany has been published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition.

Coffee is one of the most popular beverage in the world that contains a variety of substances, including caffeine, chlorogenic acid and other polyphenols, nicotinic acid and mineral substances. These substances affect human metabolism, some of which are very positive and some may be negative. But there is not yet described from the study, what a substance that caused beneficial to health.

Finland is the country with the highest coffee drinkers per capita in the world. The average of Finnish spends about 12 pounds of coffee a year (or 1 kilogram a month!). The Germans consume 6.4 kg per capita, while the U.S. consumes about 4.2 kg per capita. How much coffee consumption per capita of your country?


Cherry Can Reduce Uric Acid Attack

Posted by rifkihakim88 Monday 12 November 2012 0 comments


According to the conclusions of the U.S. Researchers, patients with uric acid (gout) should eat more cherries. This red fruit can reduce the risk of joint inflammation (arthritis) by an excess of uric acid.

In the study, Dr. Yuqing Zhang, Professor of Medicine and Public Health at Boston University and his team recruited 633 gout patients were followed by online for one year. Participants were asked about the date of onset of gout, symptoms, medications and risk factors, including intake of fruit extracts and cherry in the two days before the attacks of gout.

Participants had a mean age 54 years, where 78% of them were male. Most of them take some form of cherry intake: 35% eat fresh cherries, 2% cherry extract consuming, and 5% eating fresh cherries and extract. Researchers documented the 1247 attacks of gout over a period of one year follow-up, where 92% of them occur in the joints at the base of the big toe.

Dr. Zhang explained, our findings suggest that consuming fruit or cherry extracts reduce the risk of gout attacks. The risk of gout flares continued to decrease with an increase in the consumption of cherries, up to three servings for 2 day. But after that, the addition of cherry intake does not provide additional benefit. One serving of cherries equals one half cup or 10 to 12 cherries.

Overall, the chances of gout attacks was reduced by 35 percent. The protective effect could be detected in all patients, regardless of gender, weight or their eating habits.

Scientists consider the consumption of fruit as a good complement to conventional treatment of gout. However, patients should not forget the standard therapy.

Earlier research has shown that cherries can reduce the accumulation of uric acid. However, this is the first study linking the consumption of cherries with a decrease in attacks of gout arthritis.

As is known, the uric acid that accumulates in the joints (usually the big toe) can be crystallized and trigger inflammation that can be very painful. The higher levels of uric acid in the blood, the greater the possibility of efflorescence which causes inflammation of the joints.

Men are more commonly affected by gout than women. The disease is often found in conjunction with other related metabolic syndrome, such as high cholesterol and diabetes.

7 Natural Herbs for Skin Care

Posted by rifkihakim88 Sunday 11 November 2012 2 comments

What Herbs is the most widely used to help skin health? Not only to heal, but also beautify and protect the skin from damage, dryness, inflammation, acne and aging process? Here are seven natural ingredients is the key to the answer: 

1. Aloe Vera
Aloe Vera has healing properties that have been known for more than 1,000 years. Aloe vera gel applied to the skin that functions as a moisturizer, disinfectant and stimulate regeneration. If your skin is bruised or acne, aloe vera reduces inflammation by inhibiting the formation of bradykinin and prostaglandin hormones. In addition, because it has the effect of sunscreen, aloe vera is also used as an additive in sunscreen products.

2. Olive Oil
Olive oil obtained from the fruit of the olive tree (Olea Europaea) is squeezed with a maximum temperature of 40 ° Celsius. Because the taste and the health benefits, golden yellow oil is not only used in cosmetic products, but is also used in cooking. For cosmetics, olive oil can be used as bath oils or applied as a moisturizer on the dry parts of the skin such as the face, elbows and feet to help the skin regain its natural oil balance. When combined with vinegar and water in equal proportions, olive oil can soften your skin. Vinegar acts to help brighten skin tone and exfoliate.

Olive oil has monounsaturated fatty acids, polyphenols, and vitamin E which protects the skin from damage by free radicals. Therefore, the application of olive oil on the skin can slow the signs of aging (reducing the lines wrinkles), to prevent skin cancer and reduce the damage caused by sun exposure.

3. Chamomile Oil
Dried chamomile flowers is a traditional medicine known since the time of the Egyptian, Greek and Roman (usually consumed as a tea). Popularity of chamomile growing throughout the Middle Ages, when it is used as a medicine for a variety of medical problems such as asthma, colic, fever, inflammation, nausea, nervous complaints, skin diseases and cancer. Chamomile is probably the most popular drugs at the time. Recent studies have identified properties of chamomile as an anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-allergic and sedative, which strengthens the reputation of the length.

There are two types of chamomile: Roman chamomile (Chamaemelum nobile) and German chamomile / blue chamomile (Matricaria recutica). Essential oils are extracted from the two varieties are different in composition and properties. Roman Chamomile Oil is more soothing, so it is widely used for aromatherapy. German Chamomile is a very strong anti-inflammatory because of compounds called azulene (nitrogen compounds that provide distinctive blue color). Azulene helps to reduce swelling and cleanse pores of impurities. In addition, German Chamomile oil also contains alpha-bisabolol which promotes granulation and regeneration of tissue that is widely used for skin problems such as rashes, acne, eczema, psoriasis, sensitive skin and allergy conditions.

4. Almond Oil
Almond trees have been cultivated since about 4,000 years ago. There are two types of almonds: sweet and bitter almond. For skin care, which is primarily used sweet almond oil (Prunus dulcis). This oil is extracted from the fruit of the almond tree with pressure at cold temperatures. Almond oil is a yellowish, odorless and suitable for the treatment of skin problems. Its use is primarily as a base or additive in cosmetics. The content of unsaturated fatty acids such as linoleic acid in almond oil makes the skin more resistant to infection and provides protection from ultraviolet. Palmitic acid in them ensures that almond oil penetrate well in the skin making it suitable as a moisturizer and a skin. In addition, the vitamin E content of its role as an antioxidant.

5. Green Tea
Green tea (Camellia sinensis) has been taken since 5000 years ago. Not like black tea, green tea plant enzymes are not inactivated by heating immediately after picking. Green tea contains tannins, polyphenols, caffeine and fluoride.

Green tea extract with a concentration of two percent is enough to protect the skin against free radicals. Green tea extract is used in cosmetic products for skin aging and UV protection (sunscreen).

6. Argan Oil
Argan oil comes from the seeds of the argan tree (Argania spinosa). The tree only grows in limited areas in Morocco. Since 1998, the area was declared a UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Argan oil which scented golden yellow very fragrant, so widely used in the food and cosmetic industries. To get the source of oil, argan seeds to be roasted and then pressed in cold temperature. This oil is very expensive. For cosmetic purposes, oils can also be obtained with a mixture of an organic solvent which is cheaper.

Argan oil is mainly used to reduce wrinkles because it contains some substances that are effective against skin aging: linolenic acid that promotes renewal of skin cells and supports the immunological processes, squalene which protects against cancer by neutralizing free radicals and UV radiation, and the effect of anti-tocopherol inflammatory and antioxidant.

7. Bengkoang/Jicama
Last but not least, natural ingredients for skin care is another Bengkoang/Jicama (Pachyrhizus erosus). Tuber plant has been used for generations in Indonesia as masks, scrubs, facial cleansers, and moisturizers. The high water content in the Bengkoang/Jicama has a moisturizing effect, relaxes and refreshes the skin.

As with other natural ingredients that are beneficial to the skin, Bengkoang/Jicama contains antioxidants vitamin C, flavonoids, and saponins which acts to prevent skin damage by free radicals. Bengkoang/Jicama also has other benefits as bleach, thanks phenolic substances in it that inhibits the formation of melanin (pigmentation) caused by the sun's UV rays, acne scars or cosmetic side effects.

Know the Difference Between Probiotics and Prebiotics !!!

Posted by rifkihakim88 Friday 9 November 2012 0 comments

In general, probiotics and prebiotics are equally tasked to support a healthy digestive system in the body. But actually there is a big difference between these two bacteria.

According to Dr Philip Abraham, a gastroenterologist from Hinduja National Hospital, Our digestive system is host to millions of bacteria. In addition, many bacteria have an important role in solving the food that we eat. [Health Me Up (08/11)]

Probiotics and prebiotics are also interconnected in the digestive system. But there are fundamental things that make them different.

Probiotics are defined as microbial supplements which beneficial and can maintain a healthy digestive system. On the other hand, prebiotics are food ingredients which are mostly located in the small intestine and the duty to stimulate the growth of probiotic organisms activity.

Meanwhile, the prebiotic fiber itself is not affected by heat, cold, acid or time. Contrast to probiotics which can be killed by heat, acid, and timeless. If prebiotic composed of a variety of thousands of species both in the large intestine, probiotics have only one or a few species of bacteria that enter the colon when food is digested.

Prebiotic Fiber is a compound that is created naturally and is found in thousands of species of plants (although most of these are very small). But probiotics existing naturally  from fermented foods that we consumed, such as yogurt.

Prebiotics create an environment in the colon that fight bad bacteria. Then probiotics act as a 'army' that surround the bad bacteria.

Essentially, probiotics are beneficial organisms. Meanwhile, a prebiotic that will provide a place that allows probiotics to grow and active. When both are combined, the combination is called by the name of symbiotic therapy.

Diets with High Protein Able to Reduce Weight?

Posted by rifkihakim88 Saturday 3 November 2012 0 comments

According to the study, people who are on a diet rich in protein are more likely to lose weight than those who are on a diet rich in carbohydrates and less protein. The scientists found that people who diet for 12 weeks by eating protein-rich foods could reduce 1.8 pounds more, and reduce body fat more than people who go on a diet with less protein.

Meanwhile, there is no the difference to be changed between blood pressure, cholesterol levels, or diabetes risk in people with a diet high in protein. It is known after researchers at the University of South Australia in Adelaide observed 1063 people through 24 experiments.

Through the study found that participants were able to reduce weight by 24 to 25.1 pounds. However, researchers still have not found a clear reason behind the success of this high-protein diet. 

According to Dr. James Levine of the Mayo Clinic, Arizona. This period of study was too short to determine their effect, there are still many things to be researched again to be relevant.

Whatever type of exercise you do, the goal would make the body more healthy and looks so much more sexy. But, what if after exercising the body actually react negatively?

These reactions can include cramps, headache, rash, nausea. For some cases this is a momentary reaction but can also be serious. For that reason, know the difference.

1. Headache

Normal: A little dizzy
Abnormal: Headaches and muscle pain during exercise

Headaches, as reported by Handbag, can occur because the body lacks of oxygen. So make sure you breathe properly during exercise. Hold your breath while you're lifting weights, then exhale slowly while down. But, if you are accompanied by headache and muscle pain during exercise and after exercise could be a body having problems. Immediately consult a doctor.

2. Nausea
Normal: Slight feeling of nausea
Abnormal: After the exercise is still had nausea

Nausea can occur during and after exercise. This condition is usually because of your body hydrated. Or it could be you too much to eat before exercise. Therefore, before exercise eat enough and always have a bottle of water next to you at practice. If nausea persists, consult a doctor immediately.

3. Cramps
Normal: stomach cramps
Abnormal: Cramps lasted long enough

Cramps occur in muscles after exercise is normal. That's because muscles work hard enough. To prevent this, warm up enough, and when there is cramping, reduce pain by drinking water. But if cramps occur long enough you could be anemic.

4. Rash
Normal: skin redness
Abnormal: swelling

BengkakPanas and sweat, two things you definitely experienced during exercise and so the main trigger skin rashes. The trigger could be due to material wear workout clothes that you can not absorb sweat well. Thus, causing irritation, skin redness and itching. For that reason wear comfortable clothing when exercising. However, if accompanied by swelling and difficulty breathing, the body may be experiencing a condition known as exercise-induced anaphylaxis. Immediately consult a doctor if sustaining.

Cholesterol Increased, Find Out the Cause!!!

Posted by rifkihakim88 Friday 2 November 2012 0 comments

Cholesterol might be the cause of a disease that is very familiar with the people. The cause of the disease is often associated with old age, is no longer identical to the old age only. Increased cholesterol levels already suffered even the youth. 

If you are also suffering from this disease, you are not alone. Around 100 million people in America suffer from this disease. Consumption of fatty foods referred to as the main cause of rising levels of bad cholesterol. And this is some other cause that would also lead to cholesterol :

Dietary Pattern
Source of food that contain lots of saturated fats, such as beef, milk, eggs, butter, cheese is a food causes cholesterol. In fact, these foods have become our daily food. Other foods which are also high in saturated fat are processed foods that use palm oil and vegetable oil.

Body Weight
Overweight clearly refers to the cholesterol, because elevated triglycerides and decreased HDL (High Density Lipoprotein).

The level of activity
Please check how often do you do physical movements. If you switch the television program must use the remote, when the time to move your body? Trivial activities like these can reduce the levels of bad cholesterol in the body. And conversely, increase good cholesterol/HDL.

Age and gender
This cholesterol will begin to increase as we enter the age of 20 years. In men, generally cholesterol will increase again at the age of 50 years. In women, cholesterol levels can still be stable until menopause, after which it cholesterol levels will increase.

The overall health
Even if you are not having a serious health problem, routine medical examination should still be carried. Least once a year. It is also possible to detect the risk of heart disease and cholesterol causes such as diabetes or hypothyroidism.

Family history
Cholesterol can also be genetically inherited. Browse more in, is there any other family members who have a history of cholesterol. If yes, you should start with a health alert extra tight.

The issue of smoking was not only causing heart disease and stroke, as we often hear. Substances contained in cigarettes with tobacco, it can also kill the good cholesterol.

Keep Stay Healthy. . .!!! :)

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