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This Food Can Prevent Stroke Symptoms!!!

Posted by rifkihakim88 Saturday 24 May 2014

Healthy food is not only good for weight loss only. However you can get many health benefits of consuming these foods. Eating healthy foods is able to have long-term benefits that can help you to avoid chronic diseases such as heart problems and stroke.

Here are some examples of foods that can preventing of stroke :

Eating nuts good for your health, especially your heart and brain health. Because nuts are rich in B vitamins folate, or also known as folic acid. A study showed that foods rich in folic acid can reduce the risk of stroke by 20%.

Foods that rich in antioxidants
Antioxidants can help reduce the inflammation and plaque in your arteries. Antioxidants are also known to dilate blood vessels thus increasing blood flow to your heart. Fruits and vegetables are examples of foods rich in antioxidants.

Fresh fish
Ideally, the human should eat a lot of fish rather than red meat. Fish, especially tuna and salmon are good sources of omega 3 fats. These substances can increase blood flow and reduce the blood clotting. Eating fish can reduce the risk of stroke by 27%.

Foods that rich in potassium
The study showed that people who often eat foods rich in potassium will have a reduced risk of stroke by 28%. Bananas, potatoes, prunes, and currants are some examples of foods high in potassium.

Foods that rich in magnesium
Besides eating foods that rich in potassium, make sure you also eat lots of foods that high in magnesium. Because magnesium can reduce the risk of stroke by up to 30%. Foods such as wheat and corn are good sources of magnesium.

Stroke is a terrible disease that is able to bring a wide variety of other dangerous diseases. But you can prevent early by eating foods above. So, Keep Healthy :)


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